Home ---- Services ---- Delivery hi@gforceconsulting.co.uk

We deliver a wide range of Sales Training and Team Effectiveness
courses and coach a range of people from Students to
experienced people.

Our training and coaching is focused on either introducing a
topic, embedding it or refining it. By working in this way we
can improve your people, whether they are new hire school
leavers or hardcore telesales closers


of how we can help you and your business, we have outlined
some of our core offerings below . . .


Once we have helped a team to sell, we then coach them to perform and provide mentoring to ensure
continued improvement.

Sales Training - Getting the business in.
• Introducing ‘Selling’ and a structured approach.
• Advanced Selling; building on the basics to maximise sales potential

Team Effectiveness - Getting the team working better together.
• Unlocking opportunities to become more effective
• Overcoming conflict
• Transitioning teams through change

Sales Manager Training -
• Equipping managers with the skills to lead, develop and coach people

Account Manager Training -
Smoothing the transition from selling to managing accounts

Change Management -
Understanding and overcoming the challenges that change brings

Train The Trainer -
Training ourselves out of a job



Our retained services are great for keeping the momentum in between courses and providing that all important external input.

On site days -
Working one to one with your people and providing real time feedback

Audits -
Letting your people and managers know what they need to start, stop and continue doing

On-hand support : E-mail / Phone support -
Providing advice on an ad hoc basis


We don’t just walk the walk, we also talk the talk by providing short term and ad hoc sales resource and experience.

Interim position resource -
For when you need a short term solution for a sales position.

Events and Promotional days -
Anyone can get the hotties and hunks, but we also get
the sales

New Product Launch -
Helping maximise that first impression and drive trial
and sales



Highly focused one on one sessions bridging the gap between leaving education and entering the real world. Highly targeted approaches to land that job!

Commercial Awareness -
Helping you understand what you are getting into

Recruitment Process preparation -
Getting you ready for telephone interview, assessment centre and final interviews to help you land that job!

Interview Techniques - Building confidence and skills through practice, and more practice.
• Mock interviews.
• Introducing competency based interviewing techniques and structured responses

CV assistance -
Getting the format and the content right

Mentoring -
Supporting you in your transition from books to business

Telephone: 0151 268 8001 Mobile: 07725 564 640
Email: hi@gforceconsulting.co.uk
Mail: G-Force Consulting, 85 - 87 Vauxhall Road, Liverpool, L3 6BN

home - services - delivery G Force Performance Consulting Limited - Company Number: 08426377 - VAT number:159577653